The PacREF Facilitating Unit (PFU) is pleased to announce that it will host a PacREF Country Focal Points workshop from 9 – 11 August 2023 at the Nalagi Hotel in Nadi, Fiji.
The workshop is part of the strategies to address the recommendations of the Mid Term Review (MTR) of the PacREF programme, as approved by the Conference of Pacific Education Ministers (CPEM) in Auckland last month.
The workshop aims to achieve three main objectives. Firstly, to discuss strategies to strengthen the PacREF communications to improve its visibility and ownership by participating countries. Secondly, to align PacREF with national education sector plans to ensure its effectiveness in supporting national education systems in achieving their national education goals. And thirdly, to develop a mechanism to strengthen country leadership and participation in implementing and reviewing the PacREF programme.
Country focal points from the 15 participating countries will be invited to participate in the workshop, which will be convened over three days. The PFU is also closely coordinating with the Education Quality and Assessment Programme (EQAP), which is hosting a workshop the following week, to ensure smooth logistical arrangements and cost-sharing purposes for participants who may be attending both workshops.
“We are excited to host the PacREF Country Focal Points workshop and work towards further strengthening the effectiveness of the PacREF programme in supporting education systems in the Pacific region,” said Mr Filipe Jitoko, Coordinator of PFU.
“We urge all participating countries to mark the dates in their calendars and look forward to their active participation in this important event.”
Invitations and further logistical information will be sent to the focal points soon.
The PFU encourages all invited participants to plan for their attendance at the workshop and contribute to the discussions and outcomes that will shape the future direction of the PacREF programme.